It’s a doulas worst nightmare- missing a birth. We do everything in our power to avoid it but babies will be babies and have their own opinions on things no matter how hard you try and “plan”.
Recently, I was on call for a homebirth client who was expecting her second child. My doula partner and I had been casually checking in with the clients here and there to see if she had any questions, if she needed anything, and of course if she was experiencing any symptoms of labor. “Nothing to write home about” she had reported at 9pm when we chatted last. Knowing I was in the clear for a good night's sleep, I set my phone ringer on loud (checked it three times) and was off to sleep. 7am rolls around and I get a text “Morning! Contractions are starting but not strong or progressing”. “Great!”, I thought, today’s the day to have a baby. So I hop in the shower. Not more than 10 minutes later I get a text from the patient's partner - “having contractions every 30 seconds for a minute, and her water just broke, please come now”. Still soaking wet I threw on clothes, grabbed my shoes and out the door I ran.
On the phone with them I could tell things were moving incredibly fast, I stayed calm and talked them through everything. Little did I know, I put in the wrong address… but the wrong address was for a former client who had a home birth recently and in the heat of the moment I didn’t realize my mistake. SO I quickly walked up to the driveway, banged on the door and let myself INTO THE WRONG HOUSE! My Former client was standing there with his 3 week old baby and said “OH Mary Kate, nice to see you!” Panicked, I said “good to see you too! I actually have to go!” and ran back out the door. Thankfully, my actual laboring client lived 4 houses down (hence the address confusion) and I made it to their house with 10 minutes to spare before the baby graced us with their presents. It was a wonderful experience for the family, although fast and furious, and we had a great chuckle about my going to the wrong place after.
All I could hear ringing through my head was Haley saying, “Attention to details MK, attention to details!”