Island Doula is Now Vermont Doula Company!

Please visit the Vermont Doula Company website for more information


Island Doula introduces Vermont Doula Company


Dear Island Doula families and community supporters,

After eight years as a doula in Vermont and three years at the helm of Island Doula, Haley Parizo recognized a quickly growing need in the community for doula services and knew that she had the capacity to make a greater impact. In the summer of 2020, she joined Mary Kate Shanahan as full time doula partners and the two quickly started planning next steps.

After much research, soul searching, and business consulting, the pair have created a solution that supports families in need and suits doulas looking for work. Haley and Mary Kate are ecstatic to introduce their agency, Vermont Doula Company, LLC, which provides high-quality, professional doula support and education to families in Vermont. Vermont Doula Company strives to be one place for families to get all of the support they need during the perinatal period.

With this new model, Vermont Doula Company will have significantly more availability for labor and postpartum support and reach further parts of Vermont and northern New England. Vermont Doula Company will offer additional services such as educational opportunities and support groups. 

Haley and Mary Kate have been working on hiring an incredible team of certified professional doulas and perinatal professionals who are eager to support growing families throughout Vermont. 

In the coming weeks, Island Doula will no longer be used for marketing or promotional purposes. In the meantime, please visit the Vermont Doula Company website or our Facebook page.

What is a Doula?

A Doula is someone professionally trained to provide physical, emotional, and informational support. Island Doula specializes in support throughout pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period of time. While you may have many different care providers throughout your journey, we are your one constant. We specialize in meeting all of your non-medical needs and use our vast knowledge and wealth of tools to support you in any way you might require. We do not have an agenda, this is your experience and we are here to provide you with neutral, non-judgmental, non-biased support. We offer information, encouragement, reassurance, hands-on support, and most importantly:

love and respect.

Labor Doula

As a labor doula we are there to support you throughout your entire labor and delivery. We will be in close contact with you throughout your pregnancy and early labor. Once you are in labor and feel the need for support we will meet you in your home or hospital, and stay with you throughout the duration of your labor and delivery, as well as for two hours after.

What does our support look like?

Physical support- we are there for you physically throughout your entire labor and delivery. We use our knowledge of various comfort measures to aid in any discomfort you may have throughout the labor process. Through gentle touch, use of various labor aids (cold and heat therapy, massagers, items for acupressure points, birth ball, rebozo, etc…), knowledge and implementation of many different laboring or pushing positions, we help you to feel as comfortable and as supported as we can. We are also there to support your partner and/or any other support people you may have. We do not replace these important people, rather we are a quiet presence that enhances their support.

Informational support- we help you with informed decision making. We provide evidence-based information and resources so you can make the best decisions for you and your family. Though we cannot make decisions for you, or speak on your behalf, we help you educate and advocate for yourself.

Emotional support- we are there for you to lean on (physically and emotionally!) and provide a non-judgmental listening ear. We offer constant encouragement and are your personal guide and cheerleader. We hold space for you and your experience.


Postpartum Doula

As a postpartum doula we are there to provide support to you throughout your immediate postpartum and for as long as you might need within the first year after birth. We will come to you in your home or hospital (such as if your baby is in the NICU etc…) and be a guide and an extra set of hands.

What does our support look like?

Physical support- we are physically there for you as an extra set of hands to help and teach. Need a trusted someone to hold the baby while you take a shower or take a much needed nap? Need help with general newborn care, breastfeeding, breast pump assembly etc…? Nervous about giving your baby their first bath or trimming their nails? Need someone to make you a snack or prep dinner for you? We are there in any capacity that you may need.

Informational support- we are available to provide evidence-based information and resources for any subject you might need or want to know more about. Need non-biased articles about breastfeeding, vaccines, or circumcision? Along with your healthcare provider, we are here to help you navigate the vast world of information that is out there.

Emotional support- we are here for you to lean on (both physically and mentally!) in any way that you may need. Do you need someone to process your difficult birth with? Need someone who has been in your shoes and can share in your experience? Do you need someone to just sit and listen or just keep you company while you are in the middle of the endless cycle of feed, diaper, get them to sleep, repeat? We are here to hold space for you and your experience.

Island doula now offers both day time and overnight support! See our services page for more information.

“In giving birth to our babies, we may find that we give birth to new possibilities within ourselves”

Jon Kabat-Zinn



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